
Blogger Chuck C. Johnson Suspended From Twitter Again For Posting Private Info

ObserverArt10/14/2014 6:56:57 am PDT

Morning all.

I was watching the Today show a bit this morning and they were doing a bit with Ann Romney and her new center for study of MS, Alzheimers and other neurological issues.

She was asked about all the polling that shows Mitt as the leader to run again in 2016.

She swore that is not going to happen. She was again saying we did it and it was tough and it is someone else’s turn.

Will Mitt agree, or does the desire to once again be big man in the party set him up to beg his wife to let him do it again?

She was also asked if the Republican party has a problem with women’s issues. She gave a pretty firm yes on that one. I think she said that has to change. Good luck with that Ann.