
Dumbest Man on Internet Freaks Out Over "SHOCK VIDEO" That Isn't the Least Bit Shocking

lawhawk10/24/2014 1:31:42 pm PDT

Another health care worker returning from Africa and not showing symptoms - meaning she can’t be spreading the disease because the only way to get it is to be actively symptomatic. Hopefully this person doesn’t get the disease, but she too is following protocols and working with authorities.

Memo to right wing: want to stop Ebola? Spend the money and deliver the goods and doctors to West Africa so that they can stop it in its tracks. We’ve shown that a proper medical institution with well staffed and trained professionals can heal those sickened by the disease. They can improve the survival rate tremendously. They can make a deadly outbreak a survivable one. They can get those who are unwilling to come to the hospital because it’s seen as a death sentence to come because they know they’ve got a shot at beating Ebola.

Proper and prompt medical care makes a world of difference.

Instead, we’re going to hear about travel bans. That’s akin to nothing more than burying your head in the sand and letting Africa burn.