
Bobby Jindal's Prayer Rally Explicitly Advocated a Christian Theocracy in America

Reality Based Steve1/26/2015 3:47:38 pm PST

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Can’t dismiss these people as fringe weirdos with no real power, when they’re holding large rallies with one of the GOP’s top contenders for the presidential race.

I’ve harped for years to anybody who would listen that the Dominionist movement is one of the greatest dangers to civil liberties and a secular society out there. They hid behind names like “American Family Association”, but what they want is nothing more than their particular Biblical view to be enforced as the law of the land.

Whenever I meet someone where I’m not sure where they fit on the right wing nut job scale, I just work in a reference to 7 mountains or spheres. If their eyes light up, then I know I’m dealing with a true believer. (It’s easier than spotting replicants, that’s for sure).