
Video: WH Press Secretary: Offensive Views Are Part of Trump's (And the GOP's) Base

lawhawk9/18/2015 2:51:32 pm PDT

Speaking of SMOTI:

Yeah, he’s a plant. So too is Trump, because his answer simply pours gas on the fire that Obama is a Muslim, non American, etc.

Trump has long been a birther. That’s indisputable. His answering the question is likewise indisputable.

But to claim the questioner was a plant? That’s laughable, especially since if Trump didn’t believe that Obama was Muslim/outsider he could have slapped down the guy by saying no - he’s an American citizen born in the US, and there are no Islamic terror training camps here in the US.

Trump refused to say any of that. Rather, he said he’d look into that - the object of that being the claims that Obama’s a Muslim non-American.