
Reports: Trump Says Kelly Is "100% Safe." Translation: He's Doomed.

Renaissance_Man3/16/2018 11:14:39 am PDT

re: #22 Stanley Sea

The yam is fucking with reporters/us with these personnel changes.

Well, he’s basically realised that nobody is going to stop him. So, he may as well make the White House just like the mob gang he liked running the Trump Organisation. That means his kids are de facto royal family, and everyone else is a henchman/G-man. Of course, since he’s a somewhat demented FOX addict, the other people he trusts are the people he sees on TV, so they get in too. America is now more or less like Saudi Arabia - a crime family masquerading as a country.

And he’s right - nobody’s going to stop him. Democrats will try, once they retake the House, but the US media will stop them from doing so.