
Seth Meyers Analyzes the Broken Brain of Donald Trump [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/06/2019 11:23:09 am PDT

For some reason this morning, in a dream I had, looking at an image of art, some men are speaking and ask “what about Quisling?”

Of course that reference is about Vidkun Quisling, who collected art (not because he was an artist but because he could pick up art cheap after WWI and the Russian revolution) before he got into politics.

Thinking back on the dream, it seems to me that Trump is infatuated with Norway because he is very much like Quisling in a couple of ways. The attraction to fascism being a central theme. Now, Quisling was much more eloquent and better presented himself than Trump does, but they are of the same stripe.