
A Stellar New Track From Indonesian Jazz Prodigy Joey Alexander: "Warna"

CleverToad1/11/2020 6:35:34 pm PST

Hello O Lizardim! I am currently about three days and seven threads behind, so there is a whole lotta news I still need to catch up on, sympathies and comments that have taken much too long to offer. Another three days with family here, then I might have a chance to reach the end of a current thread again.

But would like to shriek a quick “Help!” if I may, addressed to the many photographers here. I am currently trying to catalog my mother’s photo-related equipment, with an eye to selling or donating to someone who will be interested, and knows what the heck some of this is. Didn’t inherit the photographer gene, so would be grateful for any clues on what might still be useful, what is merely historic, and what is neither. Also suggestions if you know of dealers/camera clubs/museums that might be interested. (I’m in Denver Metro)

Notes below on what we’ve found so far. Probably nothing older than the 60’s, though there’s a Brownie camera around here somewhere.
— Seven cameras: Yashica Mat-124 for 120 film, 35mm Minolta SRT101 & Pentax ME Super plus a little Samsung point-and-shoot. The Minolta currently has a long Vivitar lens, so the shorter spare Minolta lens I found may belong to it. Two Super8 movie cameras, GAF Anscomatic & Kodak XL55. (Also a digital Olympus E-410 — keeping the camera for now, may not need both of the lenses in the bag.)
— One enlarger that may or may not be complete, with the stand and two Wollensak ‘raptars’ on mounting plates.
— An antique View-Master projector that looks like it’s made out of bakelite. A vintage Honeywell slide projector that could be as late as the 70’s. An out-of-date Disney/Lexmark photo printer from the Windows Xp era, 2007ish. Assorted miscellany, about some of which I am totally clueless.

(Cheap or even free for fellow Lizards. Can give details on lenses, which may be the most useful things in the collection.)

yours from the trenches, CluelessToad