
Seth Meyers: Biden Nears Victory, Trump Goes Berserk Trying to Steal the Election

Citizen K11/04/2020 7:59:30 pm PST

re: #27 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

The US Constitution clearly has critical weaknesses as originally written.

Some of those have been addressed by Amendments over the years.

But right now the archaic nature of said Constitution is really coming to the fore. Said Constitution is being used to deny the concept that the governed get to decide who governs. This was always a weakness, addressed over time with abolishing slavery and then giving women universal suffrage.

Yet there still remains the archaic Electoral College, itself a compromise just like slavery in the Constitution.

And the Senate was archaic from the start (too much like Lords in the UK.) It took many years before Senators were elected.

The past few years I have become more resolute in my feelings that the Senate needs to be abolished (along with the electoral college.)

Constitutional Originalism is the same boat as Biblical Fundamentalism: literalism in service to bullshit that has so thoroughly embedded itself into our political structure as to make any reform impossible.