
Seth Meyers: Federal Investigators Are Considering Sedition Charges for the Coup Attempt, and Examining Trump's Role

sagehen3/22/2021 8:22:44 pm PDT

You won’t be at all surprised how Andrew Sullivan reacted to the Atlanta shootings:

When The Narrative Replaces The News
How the media grotesquely distorted the Atlanta massacres

and of course he’s put this column behind a subscribers-only paywall..

Sullivan then took aim at The New York Times and The Washington Post for their nonstop coverage depicting the Atlanta shootings as an anti-Asian hate crime with over two dozen stories combined. He also called out several others including, New York Times Magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones, author Ibram Kendi, “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah for similarly jumping to conclusions.

“None of them mentioned that he killed two [W]hite people as well — a weird thing for a white supremacist to do — and injured a Latino. None pointed out that the connection between the spas was that the killer had visited them. None explained why, if he were associating Asian people with Covid19, he would nonetheless expose himself to the virus by having sex with them, or regard these spas as ‘safer’ than other ways to have quick sex,” the columnist said.


The “Weekly Dish” columnist blasted the role of Critical Race Theory in the media’s narrative push, how the “only evidence” they need is to “check out the identity” victims and the culprit, adding “If the victims are [W]hite, they don’t really count. Everything in America is driven by white supremacist hate of some sort or other. You can jam any fact, any phenomenon, into this rubric in order to explain it.”

The Foxnews site has more extensive excerpts, with no paywall
Andrew Sullivan blasts media for ‘grotesquely’ distorting Atlanta shootings to push hate crime ‘narrative’