
Colbert: Trump Could Be Charged With Criminal Conspiracy (But Will He?)

Shropshire Slasher3/04/2022 11:21:03 am PST

Usually it is the hard core ice-fishers

This dog definitely needs a warm bath.

Rescue workers in Michigan were able to pull a dog to safety after it became trapped on the Detroit River. The pet had gotten loose from its owner during a walk and ended up becoming stuck on a chunk of ice drifting on the river.

The Wyandotte Police Department posted about the rescue on its Facebook page, where it credited animal control and local firefighters for helping with the rescue. Footage of the rescue shows a worker standing on a ladder partially submerged in the freezing water.

He slowly uses a long tool called a catchpole to grab the freezing animal before pulling it to safety. As soon as the dog is within arm’s reach, workers on dry land immediately pulled it out of the water.

The post states, “(Wyandotte Police Department officers), animal control and (Wyandotte firefighters) teamed up for a pretty sweet rescue Monday afternoon. A labradoodle had gotten away from its owner while on a walk and
ended up jumping into the freezing cold Detroit River.”