
FBI Mosque Informer: A Convicted Con Artist

coldwarrior5/01/2009 8:30:35 pm PDT

re: #21 quickjustice

we are no farther down than we were in the late 70’s. we need to get back to manufacturing base and not a consumption base, but that wont happen because off shore labor and laws are cheaper. so design and ideas are next.

the problem is that we had a gross over reaction by the govt (bush and obama). see, capitalism requires failure to get the lessons right. we are managing to reward bad behavior now. hopefully, obama and his knuckleheads in the legislature dont take us too far down the rabbit hole.

they will over reach and then (i pray) the US snaps back to normalcy. we are acting like its the great depression redux, it aint. its gonna be bad, but not that bad….yet.