
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

zombie7/05/2009 7:39:12 pm PDT

Forget about Tea Parties — what about the Yoo Parties?

Well, zomblog has the scoop!

John Yoo stalkers update: Cops force protest off his private property


A month ago we posted a thread about vigilante stalkers harassing Professor John Yoo at his private home. That post was widely circulated on the internet and generated a lot of publicity — and apparently also generated calls to the Berkeley Police Department about possible trespassing by the protesters.

Well, zomblog correspondent Chicken Kiev once again passed John Yoo’s house during a bike ride today, and took these new pictures of the Sundays-only weekly protest in front of Yoo’s house in Berkeley:


Chicken Kiev writes:

“Saw the Yoo protest again today, and snapped another picture from my bike. Amazingly, the police were now on hand monitoring the situation (you can see the police car and one of the cops on the left edge of the picture), and the protesters had been forced off of Yoo’s property! In contrast to that last time I went by, an official City of Berkeley police barrier had been set up across the front of John Yoo’s private driveway, forcing the protesters to stand out in the street. I think the police were there not only to make sure the protesters did not break the law again by trespassing, but also so they didn’t block the roadway, since that spot on the street is kind of a blind curve and cars and bikes zip along pretty fast, which might lead to an accident if the protesters wandered out into the driving lane. One of the signs, which is only barely visible in this picture (sorry — only had the opportunity to snap one picture as I went by) said ‘Yoo is Going to HELL.’ ”