
Friedersdorf: Rush the Race-Baiter

Sharmuta10/19/2009 12:40:38 pm PDT
Is there anyone in America who’s accused more people of racism this year than Rush Limbaugh?

Of course, every race baiter must also cast someone as the aggrieved victim. There’s the GOP: “They’re moving to the back of the bus,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “They’re saying, ‘I can’t use that drinking fountain? Okay. I can’t use that restroom? Okay.’ That’s the modern day Republican Party. The equivalent of the Old South. The new oppressed minority.”

Conservative ideology- in the Goldwater sense of the term- doesn’t rely on Americans feeling victimized. It’s a self-reliant ideology, based on fiscal responsibility and individual rights. We’re not victims. We’re Americans with rights.

Promoting victimization is the style of other ideologies- not conservatism as I know it, but if this is what the right wants to promote and use to sway the electorate- they can count me out. They can also count on electoral defeats. They’re unappealing.