
Louisiana Education Board Considers Sneaking Creationism Into Schools

avanti1/05/2010 2:58:52 pm PST

re: #5 JasonA

Is there much more to creationism than “god created earth 6-10,000 years ago and you’re uncle was not a monkey?” So much so that it can’t be taught sometime between suppertime and Lost? I mean, I know they have a museum and everything but it just doesn’t seem like that deep a subject to me in the first place.

I had the misfortune of trying to debate a creationist at our table at a New Years eve party. Every time I tried to state facts about the fossil record, he’s come back with “Were you there” or point out a few mistaken in the record. I’d ask how he could explain coral reefs 1000’s of feet high pff the ocean floor in 6000 years when we knew coral growth rates, and I’d get how do we know the God did not make the coral grow faster.