
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

iceweasel4/20/2010 1:03:44 pm PDT

OT, but here’s Palin’s base:

California senator complains of harassment from Palin fans

California State Senator Leland Yee, who has been battling a state university over disclosing Sarah Palin’s speaking contract, complains in a press release today that he’s been getting nasty emails and faxes.

They include a fax with some really scatological, racist language and “a graphic of an American flag adorned pickup truck dragging a noose. The (very graphic) emails and fax are after the jump.

“It is quite disturbing that such racist and homophobic sentiment still exists in our country,” said Yee, who said he’s forwarded the messages to the State Senate’s sergeant-at-arms for investigation. “It is unfortunate acts like these that demonstrate why we must continue to be vigilant against hate and intolerance.”

From Yee’s press release:

An expletive-laden fax received yesterday in the Senator’s San Francisco and Sacramento offices says, “To: JoBama Rectum Sniffer Fish Head Leland Yee” and then in all capital letters, “WERE YOU TO EXTRACT YOUR HEAD FROM TREASONOUS MARXIST NIG**R HUSSEIN OBAMA’S RECTUM, YOUR BRAIN WOULD STILL FUNCTION AT ITS PRESENT MUCH DIMINISHED LEVEL BUT AT LEAST THE NIG**R SH*T SMELL WOULD EVENTUALLY DISSIPATE.”

The fax, which included a graphic of an American flag adorned pickup truck dragging a noose, also states “FIGHTING The Marxist Nig**r Thug Hussein Obama” and “Safeguard the Constitution, Death of all Domestic Marxists!”

Another fax received by the Senator’s office with a similar graphic says, “NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON: lyeesucksobamasnig**ras*.com,” as well as “JoBama. HE IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO KILL OUR UNBORN, JUST NOT BRAVE ENOUGH TO CALL OUR ENEMIES WHAT THEY ARE: Muslim Terrorists!” The fax also includes a rifle scope targeting a shirt with the communist hammer and sickle symbol.

One of the phone messages left after hours in Yee’s office voicemail says, “You know, I heard that Senator Yee wants to nix Sarah Palin from speaking at Stanislaus State…Maybe we ought to have a homosexual with a long enough di*k to where he can stick it up his as* and fu*k himself while he is on stage giving a speech. That would be acceptable to Leland Yee. So, good thing you run in San Francisco ‘cause you’d never make it anywhere else.”