
The Tea Party Lost the Senate for the GOP

ausador11/03/2010 10:12:53 am PDT

Hah, just wait until the GOP unveils their new “double trickle down theory,” any day now they will be explaining how giving tax cuts to the wealthy for them to invest overseas, (have you looked at the “capital flight” numbers lately?), is going to revitalize the American economy…somehow. Look for more massive job exporting, and being told that it is actually a good us…somehow. (for the already wealthy it certainly is anyway)

I suppose by investing in China, Vietnam, Thailand, and other low labor cost countries it supplies us with more ultra low cost goods thereby lowering the cost of living and inflation numbers, while also simultaneously wiping out that pesky non-wingnut middle class here at home.

Sigh…what a clusterfuck, the “average” American voter is going to get exactly what they deserve, too bad the rest of us will have to suffer too.