
Mysterious Missile Launched Off California Coast

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 11:20:36 am PST

re: #22 researchok

It had to be one of ours. No sub or surface vessel can make it so close to US shores without being detected.

US ASW is second to none in that regard.

Two years ago a Chinese sub skipper put his scope up just to say hello in the middle of one of our aircraft carrier task groups. He had a clear shot dead astern of the carrier.

Heads rolled, but the point of a sub and a good sub skipper is you don’t know they are there. That is why we use them.

As to the launch, the footage from Lawhawk’s post, shows a clear arced trajectory. From miles away, where the footage was taken, it is physically impossible for something straight and horizontal to look like that from 30-35 miles away. Such a report, that it actually some trick of perspective - might be possible from a cropped still frame, that does not show the whole contrail, but with the actual footage, this quickly becomes is utter BS.