
President Obama Speaks on Middle East

lawhawk5/19/2011 9:55:27 am PDT

re: #28 Obdicut

With that in mind, how exactly can he turn around and restart the peace process when that’s precisely the situation Israel faces? With Hamas involved in the PA, the amount of pretzel logic need to claim that the Palestinians accept a 2-state solution is mind-boggling, especially when both Hamas and Fatah refuse to accept Israel (Fatah being part of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority).

Heck, we can’t even get the PA to adhere to their obligations under Oslo.

It’s also notable that Obama didn’t mention Jerusalem, but rather that there would be land swaps - parts here, for parts there. Also, I’m curious how he intends to have a contiguous Palestinian state when Gaza and the West Bank are separated as they are now.