
CNN Poll: Giuliani Leads Romney Among Conservative Voters

sharona5/27/2011 1:16:59 pm PDT

re: #23 Ojoe

What I have picked up from my more Lib friends is that they are angry with Obama on several fronts. The Greens feel he’s abandoned them on global warming/climate change. The Anti-War folks feel he’s gone completely off the rails on Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. The Progressives feel he’s screwed them over healthcare reform, financial reform, yu-name-it. I disagree with him on A LOT of things. But the man is in a place he himself may not be able to get himself out of. Were he a stronger leader, he might be able to oull it off. AS it stands, the only way he’ll be reelected is if the Republicans run a very weak candidate/campaign… which looks entirely possible based on some of the candidates I see (Palin, Bachmann, Paul, etc.).