
Palin, Suddenly Concerned About 'Black Americans,' Suggests Obama Should Drop Biden for Hillary

Captain Ron8/16/2012 1:55:58 pm PDT

Paul Ryan: ‘I Never Asked For Stimulus’ Money, Contradicts AP Report

In a television interview with WCPO Cincinnati, Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) directly contradicted an Associated Press report that said he had sought stimulus funds for his congressional district, while at the same time publicly decrying the bill as a “wasteful spending spree.”

“No, I never asked for stimulus,” Ryan said when questioned on reports that he had sought funds.

Ryan’s statement directly counters the evidence of four letters obtained by the AP which the congressman wrote to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, praising energy programs supported by the stimulus and requesting funds for initiatives in his district.

Ryan’s private praise for Department of Energy programs and his written requests for stimulus funds contradict not only his public criticism of the 2009 stimulus bill, but also many of the budget priorities he has laid out, including cuts to investments in green technologies.

Can Republicans ever tell the truth?