
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

Eclectic Cyborg2/19/2014 7:35:35 am PST

Chevron apologizes for fracking explosion by…offering free pizza to residents

Dear Neighbor,
We are sorry to have missed you. We wanted to provide you with a status update on the February 11 incident that occurred on Chevron’s Appalachia’s Lanoce 7 H well pads in Dunkard Township and see if you had any questions or concerns that we could address.
Chevron recognizes the effect this has had on the community. We value being a responsible member of this community and will continue to strive to achieve incident-free operations. We are committed to taking action to safeguard our neighbors, our employees, our contractors and the environment.
If you have any questions, please call our toll free community line at [no phone numbers allowed].
Thank you,
Chevron Community Outreach Team

And attached to the letter, a coupon for 1 large pizza and a 2-liter soda at a local pizza joint.

Some of the aforementioned residents, are, understandably, a little pissed off.