
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/12/2009 2:19:38 pm PST

I have been giving a lot of thought to the fascist-antijihad alliance that has been forming.

Before I get into it, for the record, it is repulsive and evil and counter to principles I would fight and die for. If I say Jihadi, I mean one who espouses Jihad. I do not mean some normal person of a certain ethnic or religious group.

On the one hand, it was inevitable. The Islamofascists are a *perfect* tailor made group for Eurofascists to focus on. The *are* out to tear down Europe and they *are* not white, not Christian, vocal and frightening. The only reason the neo-nazi scum don’t go for it more and more quickly is that the Jihadis are so into killing Jews.

But the Jews of Europe, despite the rhetoric of the neo-Nazis are no particular threat to anyone. The Jihadis really are. I imagine that this creates some dissonance in the minds of the typical storm-trooper wannabe.

In the course of looking at people like Robert and Pamela, and feeling shocked and betrayed, I have had to ask myself, why would someone who was Jewish, or friends with Jews ever assosciate with such scum? All rationalizations about the greater threat of Jihad aside, dealing with Europeans who think Nazis are cool is a remarkable stretch.

The only answer that I can come up with is that they are hoping that two sets of monsters kill each other, and that somehow, in the aftermath, civilization stays civilized. This is a deeply flawed reasoning. For the Eurofascists to form a real threat to the Jihadis, they would have to gain real power and control in Europe. If they do… they will not relinquish that power and they will turn their love of racial holy war on everyone else ehile destroying all that we hold dear.

This is the nicest view of those in the counter-jihad movement going to such an alliance - the view that they have miscalculated an evil and Machievellian half baked scheme.

The other possibility is simply that they have cracked. Just simply gone insane.

In either case, we need to jettison them, but more importantly, we need to look to what we are doing. We need to focus on our real issues. I see it as follows:

1. The world is swinging towards a handwringing appeasement mode towards radical Islam.

2. Many of those who would scream the loudest that swinging this way is a very bad idea are also either crazy, reprehensible or both - making us seem ludicrious.

This means we must do the following:

1. Always, be a mensch. We jettison those who have “fallen” but we do it out of grim nescessity, not with rancor.

2. We distance ourselves from fascism as much as possible and endeavor when speaking to all sides at all times to know our facts and state them *calmly*

3. We never give up.

4. We focus strongly on keeping the truth out there.

5. We need to remember that we are not just in this to reinforce each others convictions. We need to convince those who do not see the problem that there is one. The fringe right that is going this way is not the issue. The dispirited center right that is fractured and the undecided center that wants to be “even handed” but, does not have the facts, is the issue. Reaching these people needs to be our main aim.

Taking the Religious Right aspect out (that honestly drives educated people away - if only on the principle that no one likes having religion forced on them) on our side, by pushing science, is in accordance with that.

Being honest about the problem from the fascists is in accordance with that.

Anyway, that is my two cents for what it is worth.