
'No Evidence' Rifqa Bary's Parents Want to Kill Her

Dianna9/15/2009 9:52:56 pm PDT

re: #286 Gus 802

Looking at the article this is based on one phrase that the girl alleged her father said. The court ruling will have to stand so I can comment on that. There was noting said about physical abuse in this case. All I’m seeing is that she was lured into going to Florida by an adult male. Her parents wanted her back.

I repeat: the second a kid says one word against her parents, law enforcement has to treat the accusation seriously. There are very good reasons for this; that doesn’t mean she had to allege physical abuse, just a fear of harm.

Ignore the hysteria. The court did what it is supposed to. It seems really weird because of the outside actors. I don’t know - and (presently) no one else does, how far the young girl drew others into her dramatizations. I just suggest we wait and be very, very calm before we start hurling accusations, simply because the church involved is “fundamentalist.” The people involved may very well be at fault, but, equally, they may simply be naive, and all-too-ready to believe what they were told.