
Video: A Bridge Too Far

Killgore Trout10/04/2011 8:29:50 am PDT

re: #306 Lidane

Today officially sucks. :(

Found out that the gaming company I’ve been with since June doesn’t have the money to hire me on. I can stay here as an unpaid intern or look for another job. My boss was upset about it. She said she’d love to keep me, but they just can’t.

They offered to use their connections to other game studios and to folks they know to help me land a job somewhere else here in town, so I jumped on that. I’ve already given the HR person my resume and the job description I wanted for myself, and both she and my boss are going to talk to the CEO and to the rest of senior management for recommendations and to help me land interviews. I’m upset. I’m hurt. But I get it, and I’m not angry. It’s a small company that’s really not making money so they just don’t have the ability to hire someone else on.

Still, it sucks. Blah.

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there.