
Tech Note: A Regular Expression to Extract the ASIN Product Code From Any Amazon URL

goddamnedfrank1/25/2015 7:09:01 pm PST

re: #305 Backwoods_Sleuth

Can you match up her name to someone in the same city/area as the guy, and then narrow it down from there?

Tried. I got the city but can’t get anybody in the right age range as her bio avi. Pretty common name, tons of false positives.

This isn’t the kind of shit I do. I want to hand it off, but like I said, need some pretty ironclad assurances of trust first. That’s why an investigative reporter with an established history of responsible reporting and ethical behavior was my first question.

Unfortunately the police and social services aren’t set up to track down random Twitter shit from people who don’t even know who the hell they’re looking for.