
Overnight Open Thread

Pass The Moonbaticide6/01/2009 3:35:22 am PDT

Has anybody else tried and failed to register on the stalker site ?

I am thoroughly fed up of their infantile calling of Charles as ‘Chuckles’. What are they … Five year olds ? Anyway, I wanted to register and tell them to grow up and have a modicum of adult discussion, but it kept claiming failure of the ‘Validation Code’ entry. Even when the code was as clear as day. I tried ten times … Not one was accepted.

I was also going to challenge them on the clearly wicked act of murder of Dr. Tiller inside a Place of Worship, which - irrespective of your views on late term abortion - is clearly a violation of the church as a place of Sanctuary. (Most Churches even call their meeting places ‘Sanctuaries’). Yet this simple fact seems to have been overlooked.