
The Huge Al Gore Mistake That Wasn't

Racer X12/15/2009 5:55:13 pm PST

re: #300 Big Steve

Say what you want about US medicine not being as good as say Great Britain but Mrs Big Steve was diagnosed with breast cancer back in April. We happen to live in the city (Houston) with THE BEST cancer hospital in the world…MD Anderson. This is just not me speaking but just about every journal on the study. I got to say that MDA is absolutely wonderful and my wife’s treatment has gone well. People come from all over the world to this hospital. In fact they have a whole wing on the breast cancer building just for Muslim women. So when people are sick and they can afford to, just see where they are going…to US hospital.

Also our medical insurance is pretty much the run-of-the-mill company plan and we are out less than $500 for her entire treatment. So I for one am not someone who says the current system is broken.

Very cool - glad your wife is getting excellent treatment.

There are other examples of people with a different health care plan, or none at all, and they pay through the nose or end up losing everything they own.

What if you were allowed to keep your existing health care coverage? And instead of an insurance carrier, everyone paid in to a government fund? And the government negotiated better prices? For everyone.