
And Now, the Blame Game

jamesfirecat1/20/2010 10:01:06 am PST

re: #298 sattv4u2

I’m sure many do. I’ve heard most don’t. I was born and raised just outside of Boston. Lived there for 45 years. Still have family and freinds there. The consensus from them and their family/ freinds is that the majority don;’t like it

I think that’s not the best measure to use in my opinion. What we really need is somebody who grew up somewhere else, then moved to MA so that they can measure what MA has against what they used to have and obejctively compare the two rather than just feeling that “The status quo is bad” without possibly realizing that someone else’s status quo is even worse.

That said the BEST way to do this is to hit the books, or at least the web pages, which is exactly what I’m going to go do as soon as I’m done with class in four hours by which point this thread will have long since grown stale, but hey I’ll have made myself more well edjucated for future ones…