
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Dark_Falcon9/06/2010 7:39:08 pm PDT

re: #294 elbruce

“Economic boom for 20 years” is a silly thing to say. G.H.W. Bush got only one term primarily because the recovery from that recession was considered too anemic (“it’s the economy, stupid” - remember that?). Clinton oversaw eight years of strong growth, ended by a dot-com collapse which occurred almost as soon as G.W. Bush got into office. So if you say that the recover started much earlier than it did and then pretend another crash didn’t happen… But that recession was nothing compared to this one.

Do remember that the dot-com recession was already underway when GWB took office. This is being said to prevent some “George W Bush was an utter failure who failed from start to finish” meme.