
Right Wing Journalism Watch: Breitbart "News" Photoshops Nancy Pelosi's Head on Miley Cyrus

goddamnedfrank4/07/2014 5:16:58 pm PDT

re: #284 CuriousLurker

This isn’t news. It was posted on a blog yesterday and tweeted around the same time (and by the same person) as the link to the Mozilla FAQ I posted earlier. The blog post was: The Hypocrisy Of Sam Yagan & OkCupid, which in turn linked to a Salon article from April 4th.

Also there’s a huge difference between donating to a candidate and donating to directly take away certain people’s civil rights. The entire point is that using the initiative process to use the popular vote to enact official discrimination is abhorrent. Yagan could easily have supported Cannon on tax policy, or for some other self interested dumbshit reason that had nothing to do with bigotry against gays.

What’s instructive is that Eich, who also donated to bigoted candidates like Ron Paul and Linda Smith, was never castigated for those donations, not even as a pile on. Because donating to candidates is a legitimate expenditure. Prop. 8 was distinctly disgusting in that it used the popular vote to attack and marginalize a minority, and support for it could not possibly be interpreted as support for anything else.

Killgore is, again, just being a sniveling bitch.