
Mind-Bending 4K Video of the Andromeda Galaxy: The Largest Photo Ever Taken

Nerdy Fish1/23/2015 7:31:42 am PST

MRA’s basically spring up out of the same mindset as slut-shaming. The idea being that a woman who is a slut, but doesn’t want to appear to be a slut, would lie and say she was raped in order to gain sympathy and cause trouble for her boyfriends. Therefore, it becomes the goal of the MRA to uncover the truth about the woman’s promiscuity so as to cast doubt on the idea that she could ever be truly “raped”, because clearly she enjoys indiscriminate intercourse too much to ever say no to a man. If she does say no, she’s “playing hard to get” or “being a cocktease” and therefore gets what she deserves. And somehow this all excuses the fact that men who rape are brutal animals with no control over their baser urges.