
Flashback: Jon Stewart's Prophetic 1997 Interview With George Carlin

No Malarkey!7/08/2018 6:46:09 am PDT

Something I mentioned the other day that I got pushback on was breaking California into 3 states to give it more US senators. I know there are rightwing proposals to do that to create more rural GOP states, but using the same kind of data and software the Republicans use for gerrymandering, California could be turned into 3 separate states which all have Democratic majorities, giving them the chance to elect 4 more Democratic senators (right now the smallest 22 states have about the same population as California does, but 42 more Senators). It would also give Californians 4 more electors in presidential elections. Along with adding at least two more Supreme Court seats and making DC and Puerto Rico states, this could go a long way toward breaking white minority control of the federal government