
A Beautiful Composition by Snarky Puppy Pianist Shaun Martin: "The Yellow Jacket" (7 Summers)

darthstar6/23/2024 7:19:05 am PDT

A few more gems in that WaPo story - and Flynn appears to be a part of the conspiracy. If they suspend the rules (you know how Republicans feel about rules) then that opens the nomination up for a floor fight.

And the Overstock asshole also believes Trump will get a prison sentence:

On Tuesday, Byrne wrote in a post on X that Trump, based on some of his endorsements, “is still surrounded by DEEP STATE nobodies” who tell the former president to choose a vice president that won’t overshadow him. “In two weeks Trump is going to be either in jail or under house arrest,” Byrne wrote. “His VP needs to be a General.” The post tagged Flynn’s social media profile.

Bonus points for ‘DEEP STATE’ paranoia.