
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Adrenalyn7/20/2009 1:05:41 pm PDT

re: #305 Honorary Yooper

The USDA provided a cost and a quantity of ham, as well as what the ham was. We checked with grocery ads to compare the price paid. You and others (including Drudge) show up with something that does not directly compare. We show you are wrong to compare apples and oranges. I get this in return.

first, glad you’re toning it down
I am on the same side for the most part
but I am merely in disagreement with the whole premise of “is Drudge lying” ? I don’t really think so
his headlines are sensational
but not even a bit misleading to me because of the ……..
meaning more to the story

then we got mired in detail flaming here
when that is not really my gripe with this

but I’ll say sorry to aggravate you anyway
I only like to debate, not incite