
Freak-Out of the Day

unrealizedviewpoint9/02/2009 1:03:48 pm PDT

re: #287 obscured by clouds

I’m against the Obama/school children teleconference because it’s not the President’s job to interrupt every public school in America to tell kids anything at all, let alone give them some goofy “assignment.” And I’m not impressed with his telling them to “work hard and stay in school” (if, in fact, that’s what he does say). That’s the job of the childrens’ parents. 0bama has a job to do and it has nothing to do with addressing children -with the kids basically being forced to listen- during school hours, Big Brother style. It comes across as a campaign stunt more than anything else.

It’s hard for me to not look at damn near everything 0bama does through the Saul Alinsky prism - this included. Call me a quack; I don’t care.

When ObamaCare is passed, maybe there will be a vaccine for ODS?