
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

drcordell10/02/2009 12:02:42 pm PDT

re: #295 sattv4u2

How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None

How many Jerry Springers were delegates at the RNC, like Springer was at the DNC
How many Michael Moores had prominent seating at the RNC, like Moore did at the DNC?
The Repubs have more than their fair share of whackos, extremists and undesireables.

To deny the left doesn’t ( hello Cynthia McKiney) is absurd

So you’re now comparing Jerry Springer and Michael Moore with nirthers and troofers? Really?

No excuses for Cynthia McKinney, but she’s an elected rep and can’t really be shut up. She’s the equivalent of Michelle Bachmann. The difference is, McKinney is shunned by the Democrats. Bachmann is invited to speak at major GOP functions. Thats the difference. The GOP is embracing teh stoopid.