
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

lostlakehiker12/03/2010 1:53:14 pm PST

re: #291 Obdicut

Which is absolutely nothing like Social Security. Not sure why you’d pretend it was.

Because a toll gate would be a tax on mileage and use, and a gasoline tax is a tax on gasoline. Not sure why this escapes you, either.

You really call that proof? Yes, there are high tariffs on luxury stuff. However, what you said was:

Of course, this is subjective, but do you consider 20% tariffs to be low? What about 350% tariffs?


The US imports tons of food from abroad. What on earth are you talking about?


We export a lot more than we import. However, we import 8.7 billion dollars worth of grain alone per year. How is that ‘hardly’?

30% of tobacco used in US cigarettes is imported.


This doesn’t count cigarettes and cigars imported whole.

Tarrifs on clothing range from 20-40%.

He is receiving no benefit if he doesn’t use it. For fuck’s sake.

Can you acknowledge that much of what you said was benefits for the working poor are not, and are benefits for the children of the poor?

Why are you babbling about hating them for having more? Nobody here is talking about hatred.

Wool clothes, 25%. Japanese leather 40%, oh yeah, the poor use a lot of that. Truffles! French Chocolate! As to tobacco, if you recall, I granted you that one.