
Joe Satriani, Flying in a Blue Dream

Dark_Falcon2/11/2011 8:33:16 pm PST

re: #306 freetoken

So, we’re less than 4 weeks away from the GOP House essentially closing down the government (because of no authorization to spend/borrow.)

Yes, I expect the Senate to balk at whatever bill the GOP House does eventually pass, if it even passes one.

Hopefully any retirees out there have made alternative plans, if they live check-to-check, etc.

I seem to remember the last time this stunt was pulled that the Fed told the banks to accept the automatic payments from the Treasury anyway (and the Fed would make it work.) But my memory could be wrong here.

Anyway, the days are counting down.

Actually, I think they’ll find something that prevents that outcome. At the 8th and last, I think Boener would pass a CR with Democratic votes and accept the internal rebellion rather than have the blame for a shutdown. He has not forgotten 1994, even if the Tea Party has.