
Nate Silver: Obama's Chance of Winning Now at 91.4%

makeitstop11/06/2012 5:59:14 am PST

re: #306 lawhawk

So, Nate’s polling statistical analysis gives Obama the likely chance of winning reelection. And people are pissed at him for aggregating polls in a way that tries to reflect where people are at in voting preferences?

Oh wait, it’s because the signs are pointing towards an Obama reelection, and not Romney’s ascension despite the fact that Romney’s positions have flipped and flopped worse than anything John Kerry was accused of in 2004.

Nothing is worse than his position on health care reform. He created the model on which the PPACA was based - Romneycare in MA, and now heads the party that wants to repeal it - all because it was a Democrat who got it enacted at the federal level. The individual mandate was something GOPers were pushing for, as opposed to single payer by Democrats. Obama conceded and included the individual mandate as a way to entice GOPers to come on board, but the GOP balked. They not only opposed the very policy that they sought for 20 years, but now claim the policy was unconstitutional.

It’s just one microcosm of a larger problem with the GOP and Romney. I simply don’t trust his character and judgment and Obama has gotten my trust, particularly in dealing with the ongoing threat from terrorism - going after and taking out AQ and OBL and Awlaki among others. Nothing that Obama has done re: Israel has undermined Israel’s security. He hasn’t forced Israel to make a deal that would undermine Israel’s security. He’s continued security arrangements and worked with Israel on Iron Dome among other things. He hasn’t made a show of a peace process that can’t move ahead because Israel doesn’t have a partner in peace for a 2-state solution.

Domestically, Obama’s being faulted for high unemployment though things could have gotten a whole lot worse if the stimulus package (the same package that GOPers were waiting in line to get for their home districts because no one wants to leave money on the table for someone else) hadn’t gone through. It wasn’t nearly targeted enough to encourage long term growth, but it kept the bottom from being so much worse.

It also allowed GM and Chrysler to emerge from bankruptcy reorganization in an orderly fashion at a time when private credit markets were not willing to lend.

It’s about making the best of a bad situation, and Obama got no help from GOPers who were hellbent on blocking every initiative to improve the national economy.

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

(I figured I’d just try that once.)