
Reuters: Snowden Tricked Co-Workers Into Giving Him Their Passwords

Targetpractice11/08/2013 1:53:56 pm PST

And no surprises here:

Lindsey Graham Silent About Discredited ‘60 Minutes’ Benghazi Report That He Hyped

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) trumpeted the recent “60 Minutes” piece on last year’s attack in Benghazi perhaps louder than any other Republican, but he’s been mostly silent since CBS News retracted the report on Friday.

After TPM submitted multiple requests for comment, a spokesman for Graham finally responded with an email saying that the senator “will be a guest on CNN State of the Union discussing the latest on Benghazi and the Iranian nuclear program” this Sunday.

Graham has drawn heavy attention to the “60 Minutes” report since it first aired on Oct. 27.