
At Least 2 Shot Outside Muhammad Cartoon Exhibit

Targetpractice5/04/2015 8:25:54 am PDT

DVD players? $20 at Rite Aid.

Flatscreen TV? 32” LED on sale at WalMart right now for $160.

Cellphone? Prepaid cellphones are so ubiquitous that there’s not a crime drama now that doesn’t include how a call can’t be traced because it came from a “burner” phone.

Central air? Refrigerator? Find a house that doesn’t come with those these days.

Microwave? Goodwill’s got a selection for pocket change.

The poor have this shit not because they “have it so good,” but because what used to be high value items are now being sold at what once was “fell off the back of a truck” prices. Don’t give them shit just because you haven’t priced the cost of a TV lately.