
Fired Obama Adviser Hired by Obama

The Shadow Do1/29/2009 6:16:39 pm PST

re: #307 NY Nana

It is great! I agree with you.

CTP has a great brownie recipe? It looks like I may have to get 2 cookbooks, as the 2 year old grandson adores ‘helping’ my daughter to make brownies. He is hilarious. Daughter is a superb cook, but she uses Duncan Hines, as it is far easier when her eager assistant ‘helps’. He actually put his head in the bowl last week to get any left-over batter. I do not know how my son in law kept on filming!

CTP once posted his recipe for “The Best Freakin’ Brownies You’ll Ever Eat”

This was not hyperbole. I’d post but would feel bad without his go ahead. I haven’t seen CTP here for a long time. Does anyone know what happened to him?