
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

Dianna2/11/2009 9:52:15 am PST

re: #296 victor_yugo

A high-school girl very close to here was attacked, bound, and raped. She told her attacker as he was committing the crime, that he would not get away with it, he would lose his freedom, and she would still have hers, and she would be there to watch him become a ward of the State.

Everything she said came true, and she reminded him of it in open court. But it did not make her any less a victim.

Your glib phrases may serve you well in health, but when their emptiness is exposed, the pieces of your life will only remind you how false was your hope.

I would point out that she clearly didn’t rejoice in - or allow herself to be crushed by - being a victim. That seems very important to me.