
Dems Threaten to Tax AIG Bonuses

Syrah3/17/2009 7:25:32 pm PDT

re: #312 Ateam

I really do not understand. Why capitalism system allowed paying away millions $ to a bunch of zeros who fucked up in sums-terms of hundreds billions?

WTH meaning *bonuses*, if CEOs failed to produce earning, and invoke huge losses, covered by hard working more then 100 million Americans tax payers?

Never saw this kind of chapter in economics studies books.

From the Wall Street Journal today.

Since September 16, AIG has sent $120 billion in cash, collateral and other payouts to banks, municipal governments and other derivative counterparties around the world. This includes at least $20 billion to European banks. The list also includes American charity cases like Goldman Sachs, which received at least $13 billion. This comes after months of claims by Goldman that all of its AIG bets were adequately hedged and that it needed no “bailout.” Why take $13 billion then? This needless cover-up is one reason Americans are getting angrier as they wonder if Washington is lying to them about these bailouts.
* * *

Given that the government has never defined “systemic risk,” we’re also starting to wonder exactly which system American taxpayers are paying to protect. It’s not capitalism, in which risk-takers suffer the consequences of bad decisions. And in some cases it’s not even American. The U.S. government is now in the business of distributing foreign aid to offshore financiers, laundered through a once-great American company.

emphasis added.