
'My Grandfather Was Not a Monkey!'

CyanSnowHawk3/27/2009 3:05:57 pm PDT

re: #287 taxfreekiller

California would never do something like this with books.

California would open its borders to illegal drug gangs.

California would and has via commie Democrats spent itself broke on its ass.

California would and has turned itself over to environmental bat shit crazy Nancy Pelosi loon Democrats and the Global Warming Lies and Fraud.

California will have rolling black outs.
California has no way of obtaining more water without a war on other states.
California jumped the shark wolf pack of commie Democrats.

All’s we got in Texas is 5,000 or so zealot ID loons who are a noisy ass nutty problem about books and shit, but they do have enough sense to allow the State to balance the books and build up a surplus.

like that

I don’t think that CA buys textbooks statewide like Texas does.