
Poll: Republicans Suddenly Realize Their Medicare is Getting Cut Too

HRH Stanley Sea4/19/2011 6:07:51 pm PDT

Check out this story about Inhofe’s plane landing vs. a long time ago event with Najeeb Halaby (father of Queen Noor, and the FAA Administrator under JFK.)

Person on the ground during Inhofe’s crazy landing:

One of the recordings was of an airport official saying, “I’ve got over 50 years flying, three tours of Vietnam, and I can assure you I have never seen such a reckless disregard for human life in my life.”

Inofe was one of 6 people the whole year who got remedial training as a punishment.

Halaby, who fucked up said to his person on the ground:

Halaby simply told him: forget about who I am, do your job.

Read it.