
Fake Outrage of the Weekend: Dan Savage, the 'Vile Anti-Christian Bully'

Nyet4/30/2012 1:39:49 am PDT

Interesting thread. I haven’t listened to the speech, so at the risk of making a fool of myself in case Savage addressed this: the OT is not *the* problem. The NT is anti-gay, the Pauline/pseudo-Pauline epistles part. Take away OT -> fundies still anti-gay.

Sure, lots of fundies will go the OT route, since it’s the most straightforward one. However they also have an apologetic trick worked out for not taking the clam-laws seriously. They will claim that the OT laws can be separated into those purely ritual ones and those based on timeless morality. Homosex is an abomination, while not eating shrimp is purely ritual and has been done away with (rituals change, morality doesn’t). Any discussion of the fundie OT double standards is not complete without addressing their apologetics.