
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

Rightwingconspirator8/06/2012 4:34:05 pm PDT

re: #302 palomino

I feel sure he has maneuvered to pay very little. He may have suffered some big losses that carried over as tax credits, maybe not. If the taxes were to his advantage he would disclose. So he is trying to avoid taking a big hit, and failing to do so.

I just do not see good reason to suspend sensible expectations like a proportion between accusation and evidence from the majority leader of the Senate.

What I have learned here is we should have a tax disclosure requirement for every candidate running for Congress, the Senate or the executive branch. Cabinet posts. Justice department positions like judges. That is what my biggest take away is from this. I was already not going to vote for Mitt, not that it matters in California, winner take all. I could vote Mitt or Mickey mouse and have exactly the same influence on the outcome.