
Interview With #CancelColbert Activist Suey Park: Put a Bird on It

goddamnedfrank4/03/2014 12:59:14 pm PDT

Again, this entire ordeal is basically about literalist thinkers vs. abstract thinkers and the different ways they interpret data. Abstract thinkers look at the 10 years of Colbert’s established personality and the 25 years of Limbaugh doing his shit and judge the statements of these two men very differently because of the established context they’ve built up.

Literal thinkers see the words and enforce a strict meaning. Certain not so true “truisms” in this society don’t help, so all men being equal means Colbert and Limbaugh shouldn’t be able to get away with the same kinds of statements, totally ignoring intent and meaning.

Which one is Suey Park? I think she’s actually an abstract thinker, but that this was mostly cynically about self promotion. I believe her when she said she was playing to a role, emulating Kanye West. Because she’d decided in advance that she wouldn’t be taken seriously she said she decided to perform as a kind of caricature of herself, to make unreasonable demands to advance the narrative. She, to put it in George Bush terms, catapulted the propaganda.

The problem, aside from her youth, disinhibition, and apparent distain for certain people because of how they were born, is that she doesn’t have the one advantage Colbert has, consistency. She’s a very inconsistent personality and pathologically manipulative. Her “followers” are themselves often prone to hyperliteralist thinking in a world with twisted and counter intuitive rules, where it’s an established “fact” that intent doesn’t matter.