
Debunking Another Fear-Mongering Right Wing Myth About Ebola: The "42 Day Incubation Period"

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/21/2014 10:46:21 am PDT

re: #313 yoshicastmaster

3% is highly improbable?

There is not a 3% chance of a 42 day incubation period, even under the mathematical model there would be like a .000001% chance of that occurring. We do not know if there is a 3% chance that there’s more than a 21 day period. That is what one mathematical model says; that mathematical model may or may not be appropriate.

Can you explain what, if anything, you don’t grasp about the above paragraph?

I disagree. Just let me know when those articles are debunked. Both links work fine.

Those articles both source back to the WHO discussion post; you know that, right?

Also, “WorldNetDaily (WND) is an American web site that publishes news and associated content from the perspective of U.S. conservatives and the political right,” according to Wikipedia.

Right, but who cares? Why are you talking about the sidedness of the sites? Why is this relevant?